Thursday, 4 April 2013

Brave will win your heart

Every single day at Dogs Trust we meet incredibly courageous and amazing dogs. These dogs have all been given a second chance thanks to our wonderful supporters. We thought we would introduce you to one of these dogs and share his story. Meet Brave.

Hi my name is Brave. I was found chained to the fence at Dogs Trust on a freezing February night. I was so frightened, scared and cold as I watched my owner drive off and abandon me. My front paw was badly broken. My owner had tried to use masking tape to fix it but it only made things worse. I was in so much pain as I also had lots of other old injuries that had never been treated properly.

A nice man and woman at Dogs Trust quickly untied me, wrapped me in a big cosy duvet and whisked me straight to the vets. It was lovely to have someone care for me. I never had that before and I nuzzled in for cuddles on the drive.

The vets ran all sorts of tests on me. I have a complicated joint problem in my ankle and wrist and a few small tumours. The vet managed to straighten out my front paw, it feels better already and they operated on the tumours too.  I am also going to need very expensive surgery to fix my back leg in a few weeks time, I’m nervous but I know I’m in good hands.

It is only through the generosity of it’s supporters that Dog Trust can pay for all the veterinary treatment I am going to need.

In a few months my bones and scars will heal and in time so will my heart. Dogs Trust will love and care for me and when the time is right find me a new forever home and for that I am one grateful Greyhound.

Love and hearts
Brave x x x

Brave is just one of many dogs who have to undergo life saving procedures each day at Dogs Trust. By supporting Dogs Trust you can help give more dogs and puppies their second chance at life. To find out more about the work we do visit our website 

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